About Me

                      My name is... (drum roll please!) Kaye Hollie. (for now.) I blow out my candles on October 14th. It says I'm 13 years old on my birth certificate, but I'm 14-15 years old physically, 16-17 years old mentally, and 5-20 years old emotionally. I live with my Mum, little brother, and two cats. (One which is horribly old, the other horribly young.)
                       I am African-American. I live in sunny California! Besides my African origins, I like to speak Spanish and prefer enchiladas over fried chicken, and I love to watch Anime while eating some good ol' fro-yo. I also love anything pasta related. And no, I don't use be in the place of are. Thank-you very much.
                        I love orange. The fruit and the color. So if that orange shirt you have is gone one day...don't ever expect it back. I love to read, sing, dance, write, draw, laugh, chase people, and sing some more. I also like to talk. Obviously. Duh.

                  Okay this is boring now. I mean, bunches of paragraphs about me--why don't you go ahead and read my blog. 'Kay? I find it much more interesting.

                  With Love, Oranges and...more Orange,
                                                                      Kaye Hollie