Saturday, September 24, 2011

My First Scribbling

          You know, I really hate these first blog posts. I mean, what are you supposed to say? What impression are you supposed to make? Should I start off by saying, "Pigs really do fly!" or "Hello, fellow readers!" I mean, because I act differently around different people during first impressions, it's hard to know which words to choose.
        BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHO'S READING THIS. Oh well. I guess I'll just start off goofy. Oh! And if someone is reading this, then I say hi. And go give your mum a hug. Mum's love hugs.

                 I have many names. But you can call me Kaye Hollie, which is, my ninja identity.
...Huh? What'd you say, Ninja master? I'm...not supposed to tell people my ninja identity?!...Oops.
              As I write this, I am 12 and 345 days old. But that's just what my birthday certificate says. I look way older, says many of my friends (gee thanks, every girl wants to hear that!) and act older as well. If I white-out my birth year with 1996 instead of 1998, there'd be less shocks when I tell them that I'm only 12.
                   "But you look, like, 14!" I hope this isn't a problem when I tell people I'm only 30.
"But, you look 50!" they might say. Enter very hard smack here.
                      I live with three animals and my Mom. Two of these animals are cats, the third one is my younger brother. (Hahaha.) He's like a lazier, boy-version of me--but looks like my Mom. On this blog I'll talk about (Write about? Type about?) Whatever I want to. Just kidding.
            No, really.
                       I'll probably be talking about TV Shows, and teenage stuff, and current events, and books I read, stories I'm writing, my ridiculous friends, life, church (Open and Affirming!), singing... all with a touch of of what I will now call, Hollie Dust.
              Oh yes. I went there. Okay, I guess I'm done now. I think. Comments are always accepted. Why wouldn't they be? I'll shut up now.
                        With Ultimate Love (even though at least one of you is a very creepy stalker),
                                                                                                                                 Kaye Hollie


  1. I'm going to go ahead and tell you that I am not a creepy stalker. :) And another thing.I am 12 too. It's not cool trying to be a normal blogger and people talking to you like you're an adult, then them finding out that your only a preteen. :)

  2. I'm glad you're not a creepy stalker, Chynna. Very pleased, actually. :D
    I'm glad you found your way to my blog! <3 You're the best!

  3. I'm glad that you are glad that I'm not a creepy stalker! :)

    WOW!!!! I've confused myself!!
    That happens a lot...
